192 Q and A

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192 Q and A
Show Notes
Sharpened Artist: Colored Pencil Podcast
Release Date: March 4, 2019
Topic: Q and A
Points of Interest:
Back to the list of listener questions today! (Can you tell we’ve had a lot of questions lately?) John and Lisa love speaking directly to the issues that you’re currently experiencing:
-Does the colored pencil community value realism over abstract styles?
-How do I get an opaque white in my drawing?
-Any tips for pain-free drawing with rheumatoid arthritis?
-How do you fix mistakes in colored pencil?
-Do paper choices differ depending on the pencils or subject matter?
-What exactly is considered a “layer”?
Links Referenced:
Faber Castel Perfection eraser
Stonehenge Paper (individual sheets and pads)
Fabriano Artistico Watercolor Paper
Arches Hot Press Watercolor Paper
Free 30-day Audible Trial:
Looking for past episodes? The “Techniques” CD is a curated edition of some of our earlier shows. Click here to learn more!
John’s Twitter: @sharpenedartist
Lisa’s Twitter: @lachri
As always, thanks for listening! Tune in next week for more from John and Lisa. In the meantime, be sure to visit www.sharpenedartist.com for additional updates and information. You can also join our Facebook group, Colored Pencil Podcast, or contact us by email at podcast@sharpenedartist.com .
If you want more colored pencil inspiration, snag a FREE sample issue of the COLORED PENCIL MAGAZINE here!
Stay sharp!