095 Q and A
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095 Q and A
Show Notes
Sharpened Artist: Colored Pencil Podcast
Release Date: March 12, 2017
Topic: Q and A
Points of Interest:
It’s the second installment of the March Q and A series! In this episode, John and Lisa are taking you behind the scenes to answer questions about the development of this podcast. Was your question featured? Check the list below:
-How long does it take to study the topic of each episode?
-Who does the production of the show?
-What software do you use for recording and editing?
-Have you ever met in person?
-Do you offer any training videos, DVDs, or 1:1 instruction?
Links Referenced:
Libsyn (Liberated Syndication)
Auphonic Production Software
Audacity Recording and Editing Software
Audio-Technica ATR2100 microphone
YETI Blue microphone
Lisa’s Patreon Account
Sharpened Artist Academy Beginner’s Colored Pencil Course
John’s Twitter: @sharpenedartist
Lisa’s Twitter: @lachri
As always, thanks for listening! Tune in next week for more from John and Lisa. In the meantime, be sure to visit www.sharpenedartist.com for additional updates and information. You can also join our Facebook group, Colored Pencil Podcast, or contact us by email at podcast@sharpenedartist.com .
Stay sharp!