I want help with my drawing!

If you're interested in a video critique of your drawing, which might be featured on my YouTube channel, please fill out the form below for assistance!

Keep in mind, though, that I'm unable to assist everyone. Due to my commitments, especially to my course students and mentees, it might take a long time before I can get to your request, possibly even up to a year.

If you're one of my students, make sure to mention that in the message section of the form.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Please ask a specific question about your drawing. The more detailed, the better.

  2. I do not accept nude drawings.

  3. Only submit drawings for critique; I do not review paintings.

  4. No abstract pieces, as my focus is on teaching realism.

After completing the form, send an email with your name and a note saying you've filled out the "help" request. Attach your drawing and email it to john@sharpenedartist.com.

Don't forget to attach your artwork and the reference photo you’re working from!

Please complete the form below


By completing the form you are granting(releasing without provisions) Sharpened Artist permission to use and release your information and digital representation of your drawing and/or reference photo in a YouTube video and/or other marketing capacity.

You have no claim to compensation or royalties related to the material that you release to Sharpened Artist. The critique may include both positive and constructive comments. The video will not be removed for any reason, even if I disagree with the critique.

If you’d rather have a private critique, then email and ask about the private coaching waitlist.